DALTA Luncheon
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Maggiano's Little Italy - 500 16th St. Denver, CO 80202
Sharon Regan
Survey of Permitting in the Rocky Mountain Region
An overview of rules and regulations governing oil and gas permitting in the producing states in the Rocky Mountain Region. This survey will introduce permitting to spud, drill and complete a well, including state permits, federal permits, county issues, stormwater permits, air quality permits, dealing with wildlife issues, surface use agreements (abbreviated), rights of way for roads, and subsurface easements.
First Course:
Crispy Zucchini Fritte
Caesar Salad
Main Course:
Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce
Grilled Chicken, Tomatoes & Basil
Lighter Take Chicken Francese
Chocolate Zuccotto Cake
Vera's Lemon Cookies